Join our group!The Michigan Mosquito Control Association (MMCA) was organized in July of 1986 and has 120 members from several states. The members include mosquito control professionals, public health officials, government officials, scientist and interested citizens. Members are actively involved in legislative issues relating to mosquito control and pesticides, public education, training, and publishing MMCA's newsletter - Skeeter Scanner Newsletter. An annual conference is usually held the first week in February.
If you would like to join MMCA or register for the next conference, please print out the PDF document below and follow the included instructions for mailing and payment. MMCA Membership Form.pdf MMCA GoalsPromote mosquito control in Michigan whenever control is feasible.
Why Join?
Types of MembershipsRegular Membership: $30 Student Membership: $15 Students must enclose a letter from their advisor on University letterhead as proof of student status. Business Membership: $100 Register 3 names associated with the Agency, Association or Company. Also, will be added to the industry members page for advertisement. **All memberships include the right to vote on Association matters and will receive 4 issues of Skeeter Scanner Newsletter. |